Nokia introduces Storytellers to boost OZO sales

Nokia has been part of the virtual reality game with the 360-degree camera OZO. To keep the project running, the Finnish company announced today the OZO Reality - a suite of software that lets producers capture, edit and livestream VR footage.

OZOs firmware was updated, and now it sports the name OZO+. Along with the updates, Nokia introduced the OZO Storytellers program to attract more content creators. Through it authors can reach “broad range of audiences including partners throughout Nokia’s ecosystem" with their footage. They will also provide valuable feedback to the company, essentially telling Nokia if there is future in the project.

Instead of paying the original price of $40,000, now the device can be purchased for $25,000 (€23,500 in Europe or CNY220,888 in China) and Nokia accepts applications until June 18.

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