Nokia 6 teardown built like a tank

Phone teardowns are the quickest way to learn about a phone’s build quality - the other way involves several years of usage. Anyway, the Nokia 6 proved to be one of the strongest phones ever taken apart by well-known YouTube tearer-downer JerryRigEverything.

The secret? Lots and lots of screws. Seriously, there’s a metal plate below the screen, which gives the phone extra rigidity. That plate alone is held down by 19 screws! Despite all the screws, the Nokia 6 actually proved easy to take apart with everything organized in such a way as to minimize the chance of you snapping something you shouldn’t.

There are more screws to be unscrewed, so hit play.

Well, there you go. Some worried that HMD will not be a ble to replicate Nokia’s legendary build quality, but things are looking shipshape.

PS. If you want to know why the screen and back of the phone are scratched, watch the previous video.


! ( hope useful)


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