iFixit tears down the Apple Watch Series 2

iFixit has been particularly speedy in delivering its patented tear-down treatment to Apples new devices this year. After taking a stab at the iPhone 7 Plus, now the new Apple Watch Series 2 is up. And may we add that the destruction here is far from pointless. Just like opening up the phablet revealed the 2900 mAh capacity of its battery, popping open the smartwatch unearthed a 273 mAh one - bigger than the original.

Apple has always been particularly non-descriptive when it comes to such hardware details, but noting them definitely puts things into perspective. For instance, the extra battery capacity from the 205 mAh in the original Apple Watch to the 273 mAh in this one, might just be the thing that compensates for the addition of a brighter display and GPS. It is also good to see that the space within the chassis, practically unchanged in dimensions, is packed with some extra juice.

Speaking of occupying the internal space, there appear to be no major changes in the component list, apart from the upgraded chip capabilities. However, iFixit reports that modules are lightly shifted around to ensure a tighter seal than before. The "swimming pool" resistance also appears to have necessitated a tighter fixture for the battery. As iFixit puts it, the amount of adhesive found on the pack is enough "to hold an iPad screen in place".

This is all fine and dandy from a user standpoint, but does make the Apple Watch Series 2 terribly difficult to repair or service in any way. Still, the original Apple Watch is in pretty much the same boat, so, we cant really talk about a downgrade in this respect.


! ( hope useful)


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