Google makes it easier to share original URL in AMP links

Google announced Accelerated Mobile Pages or AMP as a way to speed up loading results in search pages. This involved caching the most popular responses to common terms, preloading them in the background and then serving them instantly when you clicked on them on the search page. AMPd links are highlighted in a separate section at the top in mobile search and always load instantly.

However, due to the way it works, the AMP links have an altered URL which isnt very good for sharing purposes. Moreover, getting the original URL of the page was a bit of a hassle and not something most people would be able to do.

To solve this, Google will now show a link button in the header bar of all the AMP pages which will serve the canonical URL of the page you are viewing, free from the bits of Google URL that you find in the AMP links.

Google has also updated the Google app for iOS to let you share the original URL instead of the AMP URL when you use the share function. This will be available in the Android version of the Google app soon.

Going forward, Google will also enable sharing the original URL of the page in the mobile browser using the platforms native sharing interface.


! ( hope useful)


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