Samsung Galaxy Note8 US pre orders to start on August 24 sales on September 15 Updated

Update: Looks like there was some freebies-related confusion on @evleaks end. As per the update provided by him, buyers will have the option of either going for a 256GB card + wireless charger or 360 cam.

The leakster also revealed that for buyers in Europe, DeX dock will be the freebie.

Original story follows:

Following rumors that the Samsung Galaxy Note8 will be available in the US a day after its unveiling, the usually reliable tipster @evleaks has confirmed August 24 as the date when pre-orders for the device will go live. Sales, on the other hand, he says will kick off as early as September 15.

Moving on, the tweet also confirmed that the South Korean tech giant is including a couple of freebies with the phone: a 256GB microSD card and convertible wireless charger or 360 cam.

In case you missed, the Galaxy Note8 recently made a guest appearance on Samsungs website. The firm also released a couple of new video teasers for the handset.


! ( hope useful)


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