Nokia to announce up to 5 new devices in 2017

Mobile World Congress in February is the place-to-be for all major players in the mobile industry (except for Apple, that is) and that’s exactly the stage HMD Global will use to try and start the Nokia fightback.

Sources report that at least four new devices will be revealed next year along with the already leaked Nokia D1C that we told you about last month.

The devices will feature between 5" and 5.7" displays with WQHD or FHD resolutions. Sadly there’s info only regarding D1C and it says that the device will come in two different options - one priced at about $200 with 3 GB RAM and 5.5” display and a cheaper $150 version with 2GB RAM and 5” FullHD display.

Such specs clearly aren’t near flagship-worthy, so HMD Global either has another ace up its sleeve or it plans on testing the water with some mid-range offerings before going for the premium tiers.

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